School pictures don’t have to be boring. No matter if your kids are 3 years old or 18 years old, AFH Media school pictures capture your child’s REAL smile and authentic self. When you’re looking for Central PA school pictures near you, AFH Media is your go to.
We know that you are used to the same old, same old pictures with the same old company and the same old procedures. Are your parents happy with those? Are you happy with those?
Whether you’re a Cyber school, Montessori School, Christian/Catholic School or public school, your school pictures don’t have to be “same old”. At AFH Media, we offer authentic smiles and faces. Your child shouldn't look stiff or placed on a back drop.
What Services Do We Offer?
We offer school photography completely online. We provide a password protected online ordering gallery, set up according to grade, homeroom, class or whatever grouping makes the most sense for your school. We provide each family 2-5 images to choose from. Not just our same old posed picture. What about an authentic smile? Or a silly face? Let them laugh and be kids.
Products/digitals are ordered online once you've seen the images, not before and delivered to the school within 4 weeks of picture day. Why should you pay your hard earned money for pictures you may not like because you haven't seen them yet?
AFH Media provides all equipment and staff for your school's pictures day. No worries about having to have aide’s or staff to help us.
We’ll work with your school to provide a custom photo day that is best for your school, not what works best for the school down the street. All schools are unique and your school photos should be as well.
You’re probably thinking that these school pictures must be expensive, right? We offer competitive pricing with the companies you’re using currently yet offer a more personalized experience.
Cyber school photos don't have to be boring or non-existent because you don't attend a brick and mortar building.
Don’t settle for same old, same old school photos. The memories of students at any age is worth more than the same old offering.
You can contact AFH Media below to talk more about personalizing your school picture experience. We’re booking fall 2024 and spring 2025 currently with just a couple of dates left for fall 2024. Don't wait to get on our calendar.
These school photos are great and filled with so much personality! Central PA is lucky to have this school picture opportunity.
What an awesome upgrade to traditional school photos! Amazing quality!
These school photos illustrate childhood. They are fun and full of personality.
These school photos are actually fun! I love that you give parents the chance to choose the images that they like most. Finally school photos parents love!
What fun school photos! Great variety