AFH Media is photographing FIERCE over 40 women in Central PA. If you haven’t, you can read more about it on the blog or on the website.
This week, we’re introducing you to Jennifer. Jennifer is FIERCE and 46.
Each of the women that participate in the FIERCE Over 40 project are given a questionnaire to help us get to know them and their story better. Below you will see Tisha’s favorite pictures and her questionnaire answers.

We asked her to tell us who Jennifer is, where she’s from and a short bio of her life:
“I was born in Harrisburg Pa and have lived in central Pa most of my life. I studied elementary education at Penn State and completed my associate degree in nursing at HACC. I have been married for 21 years and had a wonderful almost 16 yo son. I’m also a dog momma to 3 I work as an RN Maternity Case Manager for one of PA’s largest healthcare providers to the underprivileged I am an avid runner and enjoy creating multiple types of crafts I am an active parishioner at my local parish”
What is the best thing about being your age?
“I’ve learned that what others think about me no longer matters my faith is my rock”
What is your greatest achievement?
”Paying for my college on my own Pushing myself to achieve my goals”
What is your favorite thing that you have checked off of your bucket list?
“Traveling outside of USA”
What trait are you most proud of?
“My loyalty…and sometimes it’s my biggest fault. Give people way too many second chances.”
What is your greatest fear?
“Spending my later years alone without my husband.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
“The way I perceive my body image”
When, in your life, have you felt most confident and why?
“When I turned 40 I was in the best shape since childbirth. Was running half marathons and just overall felt wonderful”
Have your perceptions of what being “attractive” means changed over time? What do you define as attractive now?
“No. I’ve always felt inner beauty and personality makes someone attractive! Physical features will change over time but the person you are inside stays young and beautiful”
Jennifer and her sister, Melanie came in for their FIERCE Sessions together, so we took some time in between their individual session for a couple of fun sister pictures! These two were great to have in the studio. Join us in a week or so and see Melanie's favorite pictures and learn more about her!
Have you thought about having a FIERCE Over 40 session of your own? Or know someone that would love to be a part of this? Contact us below!