Senior year is crazy busy with all of the TO DO lists. It seems to just fly by. As the parent of a 2021 graduate, I know how it feels to just be keeping your head above water with everything that needs to get done. SAT’s, check. College applications, check. College acceptance, check. Choosing a college, check. Senior pictures, check. Graduation announcements, WAIT!?!?!
Ok, here’s where I put my photographer hat on and help you through this process. Graduation cards are, in fact, still a thing. Announce your child’s success, invite people to their party, or just send out some pictures.
And, if you haven’t had your senior pictures taken yet and you’re about to graduate in June, NOW IS THE TIME!! Contact me today!!

Now, onto the topic at hand…Senior Graduation Announcements. Here’s 4 top reasons why you should be sending them…
1. Tell the world (or at least those you have addresses for) how proud you are of that kid of yours. Celebrate all that they have accomplished. Your announcement can also serve the dual purpose of a graduation party invite as well.
2. Most of those that you send the cards to will want to send a little “something” to congratulate the graduate. This can be a huge help as you prepare them to go off to college or whatever the next step in their journey looks like.
3. Friends and acquaintances that you don’t necessarily talk to on a daily basis but still are a part of your life may lose track of time and easily forget how much your baby has grown up! This is a great time to reconnect and celebrate your baby’s accomplishment
4. Sending graduation announcements out to all the important people in YOUR life sends the subtle message to your child about how proud you are of them. They may not say it, but our kids notice those little things that make a big difference in their lives and their self esteem.
5. As a photographer, I often suggest that you do only one image on one side of the card so that everyone you send them to gets a 5×7 of your child. Saves you from buying everyone a print.
When it comes to graduation announcements, no matter if they are professionally created by your photographer or you use an online service to create them . . . just get them out in the mail! Remember that the postal service times have been crazy lately, so don’t wait!

Not into graduation cards, but want to celebrate your child as he or she moves on to the next phase of their life? We’ve got a full magazine of graduation items that we offer. You can see it HERE!
Best of luck to you all as you head into the last semester of high school with your child. It’s a roller coaster of emotions. TAKE IN EVERY MINUTE OF IT!